Hard Bounce Management

Hard Bounce Management

Databases Services – Hard Bounce Management

The E-mail Validation and Hygiene service corrects and identifies invalid e-mails, updating and enriching them with new e-mails. We use hygiene, standardization and online validation techniques with email servers, verifying that domains and users are active. Check out the main benefits:

  • Protects your business reputation – Identifies and removes invalid e-mails from your list, Spam Trap, and e-mails from people who might classify your communication as spam.
  • Improve reach and performance – retrieve emails, correcting and increasing the number of people who will receive the messages. Or increasing the delivery rate and business opportunities.
  • Increases conversion rate – Enables increased sales opportunities and promotes engagement with your target audience.


Hard bounces or permanent errors, date when the destiny returns the email to the server of sending. This does not use an index and not supported messages. This is used for example, when you use your corporate email to activate later, you stop working for a company in question. Other alternatives to this may include:

  • Syntax Error: When the email domain provider is trying to not type or blanks indicating typing error;
  • Returned: When the server receives the email, posted as delivered, but instead the sending is not available to the inbox and then returns. This kind of mistake deserves a little more attention and care. It is the most detrimental to the rate of service delivery, since it has to anticipate the provider and is considered inactive soon after the first attempt. The solution is always, because the continuity in your list, all other contacts, including constant speed, your delivery affected.
  • Invalid Email: When a recipient’s email address is non-existent, has been canceled or is false;
  • Inbox: When the server is not located in the recipient’s inbox, it may no longer exist;

A lot of attention is drawn to permanent mistakes. This type of response harms more intensely the delivery of your information because it can be considered recurrent.